Peggy Schuning Mosaics
As a modern mixed media and mosaic artist, I strive to uncover a masterpiece in the broken, discarded, or unused pieces of daily life. To dig deeper, this stems from a belief that everyone and every created thing has an element of magnificence within. When I initially embodied this mission, it was honestly to discover the beauty within myself. I had emotional baggage to unload and a destructive mindset to renew. This desire now allows me to search for the wonder in each person I come in contact with as well as turn fragmented items into tesserae for a mosaic. Using repurposed slate, marble, natural stone and stone tiles, hand-cut glass smalti, and other repurposed and found objects, my intent with each piece is to reveal the beauty of the element. Ultimately, finding the significance and artful story of seemingly exhausted objects inspires me.

Art of Becoming Triptych

The Breadth

Illuminating Sun
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