Chas Collins
When Chas Collins steps on stage, it’s easy to see why he debuted on CMT’s Top 10 list. With his signature vocals and high energy stage show this 6’6” powerhouse can jump onto the dance floor and pump up the crowd. He delivers the full package for a crowd-pleasing show and fans love him.
Hailing from New Orleans, Chas was born with music in his soul. After a visit to Nashville he recorded his first CD at Magic Tracks Studio. “They Wanna Hang a Bad Boy” was released in 2005. Being a native of the NOLA area, life took a turn as it did for many of its beloved sons when Katrina destroyed the city. But the strong-willed performer was determined to follow his dream. With a couple changes of clothes and the money in his pocket he set his sights on Nashville and never looked back.
Currently Chas is working passionately honing his crafts and writing. He plays his hard-hitting originals, current country hits along with a touch of rock and crowd favorites. He’s got what they call on music row the “It” factor!
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