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Submit Artist Information

Paragon Festivals wants to offer both great service and exposure to our artists and vendors as well as great information to our visitors.  Toward that end, we want to give visitors an opportunity to find out a little more about some of the amazing artists and vendors who will be at our upcoming festivals.  Submitting the form below allows you to have better control over the information we share with our audience leading up to an event and gives a simple way to help make our events a success for everyone!

This is the business or artist name we may list publicly.

Contact Information

Internal use only, this information will not be made public.
*Private. This information will not be made public.
*Private. This information will not be made public.

Artist Info

The information below will be used on your artist page (publicly visible).
Please feel welcome to share information about yourself, your artwork or products as well as social media links where visitors may find out more. This information will be placed on your Paragon Festivals public profile page.
Example: Oils, Acrylic, Sculptures, Jewelry, Mixed Media, etc. (comma separated list)
Please only select festivals that you have previously registered and paid (at least a deposit) to attend.


Please provide titles and descriptions for images so that visitors may easily know sizes, materials or other important information about your products or artwork.
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